Valley View Charter Mission to Mars

STEAM Based Art Installation Project

Valley View Charter Montessori (k-8) (Eldorado Hills, CA) and 5th Grade Teacher Tavis Danz invited guest artist Tam Helenske to work with three- 5th grade classes to create a STEAM based project as support for their end-of-year Mars unit.

Mission to Mars, Search for Water, 5th Grade STEAM Project, Valley View Charter Montessori, Eldorado Hills, CA 2023

Unit 1:

Students were first introduced to warm/ cool color theory. Students were asked to considered how warm or cool colors recede or come forward in art work and its impact on the viewer. Students then created colored hands that illustrates the visual experience how these colors work together.

Unit 2:

THEMIS images from of Mars were presented for comparative analysis of infrared images, temperature and form as a means to find water on Mars in relation to our current experiences here on earth.

Unit 3:

Students worked with an infrared camera to search for water on campus and take pictures; simulating the same methods used by THEMIS NASA on Mars. Their findings were documented in research booklets (sample below).

Unit 4:

Students prepare to vote on their best IR images. Voting was based on artistic quality considering: color temperature, theory, historical artwork analysis and viewer interest. These images were then presented as a slide show during the art installation show.

The final product was a Mission to Mars installation art show that integrates, cosmology, audio, sculpture, fun, social practice and art theory.

“I appreciate the opportunity to create a STEAM based project at Valley View Charter Montesorri. Tavis Danz opened up the opportunity and the experience has been a supportive and encouraging environment. I appreciate Lisa Hassey’s, and Nick Hawkins guidance. The students have been engaging and wonderful to work with, thank you for the opportunity!”
